Category 7
Renewable and Efficient Energy Infrastructure and Operations
7.1 Benchmark and Track Energy Use VARIABLE POINTS: 5, 10
Completed and Submitted for 5 points
7.2 Reduce Energy Use Across All Municipal Buildings VARIABLE POINTS: 10 — 200
7.3 Achieve High Energy Performance for Individual Buildings VARIABLE POINTS: 5 — 140
7.4 Increase Use of Renewable Energy in Municipal Buildings VARIABLE POINTS: 10 — 100
7.5 Develop a Municipal Energy Plan VARIABLE POINTS: 10, 20
7.6 Install Efficient Exterior Lighting VARIABLE POINTS: 5 — 40
7.7 Implement a Community Energy Campaign VARIABLE POINTS: 10, 15
7.8 Benchmark Energy and Water Use for Multifamily Housing VARIABLE POINTS: 5, 10, 15